HOUSERULES - a platform for spontaneous artistic experimentation in a nomadic state (2014 to 2017)

In Spring 2014 thirteen artists occupied and developed work in response to 20,000 sqf of a deserted office floor in East India Dock, London, under the banner of HOUSERULES.

A space for spontaneous experimentation was created for both artists and audience.

HOUSERULES has continued (until 2017), unsubscribed to a fixed location, as a nomadic occurrence appearing in unexpected places.

HOUSERULES embraced indeterminacy; bringing, but also questioning, freedom, action and play into the context of a given space. Each particular location came with its own set of ‘house rules’ and was be the starting point for each artist’s response through their own artistic ‘lens’.

HOUSERULES invited artists from various disciplines to contribute. The individual works take on a variety of media, including dance/movement, film, installation, sculpture, written/spoken word and sound, all coming together to form a temporary situation of creative energy.